
David Rossi was a man who had it all—his own business with annual sales of $30+ million, a beautiful wife, children, a big house, vacation homes, cars, boats, private schools for the kids, and exotic vacations for the family. Only one thing was missing: happiness. It was only after David’s life fell apart—he lost his business, his marriage, and his best friend—that he took a leap of faith and went on an earnest search for happiness. What happened? David transformed his life. He found lasting happiness. David wrote The Imperative Habit, so you too can move from dissatisfaction and suffering to joy, contentedness, and peace. The Imperative Habit details the seven habits that changed David’s life. In this book, you learn how to shed old beliefs and make new ones, and how to practice and form habits, create growth, and eventually experience real transformation.

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Tracy A

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

To anyone who wants to be their best, to ease unnecessary suffering, and know JOY like never before.

The brief preview of this book grabbed my attention immediately. Like the author, I too had built a life remarkably similiar to his yet in the end, it all came crashing down. The habits have given me a way to make better decisions that ultimately are leading me to a life filled with more joy, and less fear. Because of what I've learned from reading this book and applying the habits to my life, I get up every day and do what I have to do. The habits applied, are like maintenance for my mind. They are helping me to go after goals and leave my comfort zone that I would never have before. I am now creating harmony with my body, mind and my heart. It takes practice, this means work. But each day is a blessing and I made a decision to master my full potential while I'm here.

Like the author, I lost everything. My husband, my career and my home. I have a new home now, I live alone with my little dog. I often let the past and past regrets haunt me. The habits have helped me learn to let go. To unchain myself from the past. I think this was the most unexpected gift I found in this book. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be the best they can be, who wants to increase their level of confidence, to ease unnecessary suffering and to know joy unlike ever before.


Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

Take Control with this Practice

I read this book and refer back to it several times a month, refreshing and renewing my own habits. As a child I had no choice of my reactions and followed what was modeled for me. This book provides simple habits to wear new pathways in the grass, shaping and forming what you choose for yourself. Choose love. Choose compassion. Choose to love yourself. Choose to clear the river of happiness that is inside you with the imperative habits Dave so graciously shares.


Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

A Life Changer!

This is a great book! At times it left me thoughtful with emotion. Which I didn’t expect. The author does a wonderful job of not only giving theory, but giving examples of his own experiences. This book can help you in so many areas of your life. I’ve read it three times and after applying the practices/habits I have lost 20 lbs. This book is a must read!

Bernadette Kilgore

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

Peace and happiness can be achieved

Enjoy reading this book. The writer gives a step by step quite in finding internal peace and happiness after hardships.

Ron Rossi

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

An amazing journey for any age

His ability to assimilate, digest, interpret and distill reams of information into a coherent story is profound.

Patti Stanger

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

The best book ever!!!

The imperative habit has become my new favorite book. Not only has it changed my way of thinking, but my life has taken a dramatically different course for the better, since reading Dave Rossi’s book. Dave Rossi’s story, a man who had everything and lost it, and transformed his life, is not only compelling and insightful, but riveting as well. The practice of using his Seven Daily Habits will change your life instantly if you follow his lead. Happiness is easily found with this author’s intelligent take on the age-old wisdom: Can we really experience joy without suffering? I found myself reading the book over a weekend and couldn’t put it down, as I started to apply all his secrets to shift my life into balance. It has details and information where so many self-help books are just general. This author knows what you need, and hits the target every time. His philosophy that we are all programmed is not only an eye-opener, but explains so much why so many of us are in so much pain that we cannot get out of our own way. I found myself highlighting my favorite parts and going back to them on occasion when I felt myself slipping. The book not only gives you the information to manifest your dreams, but also explains why we get stuck in a rut. Dave Rossi is an excellent writer, and a spiritual leader that everyone should read if they want to find their bliss. I just can’t wait for his next book, as I know this author is here to stay in the self-help community for a very long time.

Kiersten Shaun

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

I wish you happy reading - truly, Rossi’s words inspire that emotion

In a time when the numbers of self discovery, inner being wellness and personal transformation books are too overwhelming to choose from, one writer and his guidance illuminate a path in a way to help you find balance during turbulent moments and it is one you should choose.

Using his own triumphs over personal quagmires and sources of unhappiness and describing his missing links to joy, David Rossi has addressed some particularly treacherous and relevant topics to any time, but particularly to the current events of life now.

As an almost survival guide to this planet’s great global shift, his pensive and careful thoughts on how to make the very needed and crucial adjustments - not only for self, but for others we have bonds of affection for or ties to within our sphere - he addresses what may be preventing us, challenging us, and simply scaring us and teaches us how to turn it around.

From a personal frame of reference, Rossi talks about the touchy subjects we all should be talking about to make a change for the better: fear, sadness, leaps of faith, belief in self and belief in process.

He offers creative ways to understand your fears, to find the roots of what’s preventing your progress and he teaches you how to meet fear itself.

Rossi offers real-time solutions as to how to personally deal with anything holding you back, and he demonstrates this by relating to you through his own experiences.

Rossi writes with clarity and integrity. As you continue on your path of self-transformation and bringing light to our world community, I’d recommend you pick up Rossi’s book for your home or virtual bookshelf.

I wish you happy reading - I wish you happy reading - truly, Rossi’s words inspire that emotion.

Brad Kearns

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

Incredibly Powerful

I usually give a book about 20-30 pages before I decide to continue and gain value or just bail out. When you start The Imperative Habit, you will be drawn in immediately. The author shares his story in the most raw and vulnerable manner, with incredible clarity and richness. To imagine someone living the American Dream and all the trappings but reporting feeling lost and unhappy - well that is pretty intense. The authors shows a lot of courage for leaving no stone unturned in a total devotion to help you, the reader, absorb a powerful message and pursue greater happiness, balance, and contentment in your life. What an opportune time for a book like this, as we seem to be spinning out of control in modern life with tech addiction, consumerism, distractibility, and the verifiable disease state of FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.

If you wanna carry on living in a daze in pursuit of the American "dream," go ahead. But Dave Rossi is here to help shake things up, make you ask the hard questions of yourself, and set up a plan of action to get out of ruts and get into your A-game mode in every area of your life. Also, honest, direct, freewheeling writing style feels like the antidote to the blathery self-help experts that are full of themselves more than full of good advice. Five stars, grab the book it's a really easy, fun, and inspiring read!


Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

Grab life now or it will grab you!

For a very practical delve into the inner workings of your own mind please enjoy reading the book, "The Imperative Habit". Dave Rossi has compiled an in-depth narrative of his intimate life experience(s), failures, achievements, pitfalls and then provided the reader with a well thought and foolproof template for meaningful positive change and mechanism for tackling lifes challenges, and obtaining ones own goals.
How? Thru Identifying the beliefs that drive human thought and complex psychosocial behaviors that require ongoing self-reflection and then practicing how to allow consciousness into your own fundamental moments of life. This begins with identifying the beliefs that drive emotions and eventually our actions or every moment to moment behavior. Evolve your inner voice ... this is a must-read, and re-read.

Angela K Flores

Reviewed on 5th Oct 2024

This is a great book!

I just finished The Imperative Habit for the second time. It’s an incredibly insightful and enlightening read as well as a fantastic story of love, loss and resilience. Dave Rossi is a talented storyteller whose skills prove very effective in sharing his personal journey towards spirituality, consciousness and awareness. For me, the most valuable aspects of this book are the 7 habits Dave provides specifically designed to help those of us who value personal growth and self-awareness and who seek practical and effect ways to practice those values daily. The Imperative Habit is for anyone at any level looking to grow. Enjoy!

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