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Bad-Ass Men of the Bible and the Fierce Women Who Loved Them: How to Release Guilt, Accept Love, and Live Free

by David Levee


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God wants only good love relationships for you.

But modern day “churchianity” doesn’t even mention all the Bible has to say about this – much less teach it…
Jacob and Rachel in the 21st Century
Or why it would have been the 4 Tribes of Israel - if everyone then had done what everyone today thinks is “the right thing”...
Jacob ended up sleeping with four women on a pretty regular basis - today he could have had his own reality show
How’s That Love Potion No. 9 Workin Out For Ya
So what was Adam’s first official act after the world came crashing down?
Genesis 3.20 Adam named his wife Eve because she was the mother of all the living
Wow! Think about that.
Here he was sleeping with a woman, he was the baby daddy, and he didn’t even know her name...
Jacob’s son Judah and his cult prostitute, she got pregnant, you’ll never guess their descendants
The Wife of Uriah - he was an ultra hot beta male - but she cheated with his violent alpha male best friend
All the above stories - and more - were first written in Hebrew
They’ve been re-told many times – but
never have they been applied to today’s hookup and divorce culture like you’ll read in this book...

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