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A Life Beyond Limits: Free Your Rich Mind

by Rik Schnabel


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Readers of this book call it, “simply magical.” In this updated edition of R!k Schnabel’s best-selling book, you will discover how to harness and use the power of your thinking patterns to create a Rich Mind.

This is a unique system of thought-training unlike positive thinking that will enable you to draw more luck your way and open doors that may well be shut to you, and live more successfully. Using a mix of personal experience, philosophy, and professional techniques, Schnabel shows you how settling for less is a choice, not your destiny. Schnabel’s teachings have touched people all over the world and are powerful but, best of all, profoundly simple. This book will show you how to develop practical habits that will move you beyond your current limitations.

Here is what some readers experienced after reading "A Life Beyond Limits"...

"At first my new beliefs expanded my paradigm of what is possible. Then they shifted my thinking and helped me to double my income!" — Vladamir Platil, Sales Executive, Melbourne, Australia.

"Just do it!! If you want to know what to do with your life, find your passion or purpose, Life Beyond Limits will encourage these out of you. Absolutely fantastic!" — Luanne Marron, Director of Goddess on Purpose, Australia.

“After attending a Rich Mind Workshop I attracted and created $24,000 billings in one month — a Rich Mind is powerful!” — Sue T (Marketing & Communications Agent, Melbourne, Australia).

“A Rich Mind goes beyond all the common stuff we have been used to and into another dimension. I used a Rich Mind to write my first book, ‘Manage Your Own Career: Reinvent Your Job; Reinvent Yourself’. I then became the resident career coach on a leading Melbourne radio talk show!” — Warren Frehse (Author, Melbourne, Australia).

“Your book is positively dangerous! It helped me to change my thinking and unexpected, wonderful things have happened. The mind boggles at what will happen when I get further into the book.”— Anna K (Herald Sun, Melbourne, Australia). [Author’s note: This is the “Anna” that inspired me to become a Life Coach]

“‘A Life Beyond Limits’ speaks clearly and simply to that part of me which I knew as a young child. R!k’s words invigorate my deep inner knowledge: limitless possibility, trust in what I know but cannot see or touch and the connectivity of all things. His book is a wonderful tool to help us maximize our experience of life.” — Alex Caldwell (Shiatsu Practitioner, Caulfield, Australia).

“A Rich Mind has been a life changing experience. I visited places that I did not know existed and was introduced to living life with a positive mindset. A significant sum of money that was owed to my family and which I thought we would never see again, miraculously arrived. The week after the Rich Mind workshop, I began living the future I had created!” — Dita Kasal (Ontario, Canada).

“At 50, I suffered from anxiety and depression. It was an extremely difficult time in my life and thanks to a Rich Mind, I am back to my old self, enjoying my hectic life again and having a ball!” — Name withheld (Melbourne, Australia).

“After fighting depression for nearly a year, and at times not even having the desire to get out of bed, a Rich Mind is a fabulous feeling. A Rich Mind has brought clarity to my goals and dreams. I have reconnected with my spirit and I am experiencing a new enthusiasm and excitement for life!” — S. Watt (Malvern, Australia).

“Before you shared the Rich Mind insights I was alone with a child. For years I wanted someone special in my life and within a week of practicing a Rich Mind I found the man of my dreams. I can’t thank you enough as words cannot express my joy.” — Alexandra A (Marketing Executive — Geelong, Australia).

“A Rich Mind gave me the shot in the arm that I needed. I moved from a job I loathed and onto the stage to realize my dream.” — Michelle J (Entertainer — Sydney, Australia).

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