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Akasha Unleashed: The Missing Manual to You (Voice of the Akashic Records Book 1)

by Debbra Lupien

ASIN: B07731D4BS

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Cars have manuals, appliances have manuals. How fabulous would it be if you came with a manual too? Well, you do! Your manual is called the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records are a
powerful spiritual tool intended to help you on your journey through life. But you can’t utilize them if you don’t know how to access them, which is where Akashic Records Expert Debbra Lupien steps in. Her new book, Akasha Unleashed: The Missing Manual to You, is a quick-start guide to using the Records.

In these pages, you’ll learn how to:

• Trust your intuition
• Overcome challenges that leave you feeling stuck, frustrated, and hopeless
• Make the best, most empowered choices
• Have better, more satisfying relationships including finding your soul mate
• Use the Akashic Records with Law of Attraction to "manifest on steroids"
• Discover your soul purpose in life

"You have an entire team of spiritual guides at your disposal, archiving your life, your goals, your aspirations, your thoughts and desires. Their sole purpose in existing is to help you become the very best version of yourself." —Guides of the Akasha

*BONUSES: Reconnecting to Higher Consciousness Meditation channeled from Archangel Metatron specifically for this book and a special Akashic Records Access Prayer.

After you get your book, go to the Resources page (near the back) and click on the bonuses link. The meditation and access prayer are the tools you need to access your Records. Then prepare to have your socks knocked off by the wisdom of your Akashic Records Spirit Guides.

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