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Brand Me!: Your Story, Your Message, Your Method

by Marianne Emma Jeff


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Is it time for you and your business to...Take the Stage?

Anyone who wants to be successful in any type of business today by default becomes a writer, speaker, creator, teacher and leader.

In Brand Me! you will nurture all these elements gaining clarity, confidence and cohesiveness so that you can truly Take the Stage!

If you already speak, write, create, teach or lead, Brand Me! will show you how to step up as an expert and leader in your industry.

In business we often find ourselves focused, perhaps even obsessed, on the exterior, the detail, the business cards, website, and how we look without even stopping to consider the bigger picture and to uncover our brand.

Imagine being so focused on styling your hair that you went out in the world naked because you forgot to put clothes on!

That’s really what we are doing when we dress up our businesses with all the trimmings without looking at the big picture of our brand or taking the time to look within.

Brand Me! is not a new tactic, sales technique or a strategy to build your business (although it can be all of these things). Brand Me! will keep you sane. It will give you the tools to remind yourself that you are Extra-Ordinary. As you uncover your Brand Story, Brand Message, and Brand Method they will become your true north even when the world around you feels like chaos.

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