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Make Him Yours: Beating The Odds Of Modern Dating

by Mark Rosenfeld


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How much more time will you waste with the wrong men?

“This is the best and by far the most thought out book I have read on this subject matter. I loved every sentence of it. It really shines through that you are an expert in this field and not just rehashing old facts about dating.”
- Anna-Riika, UK

If you already have the perfect man in your life, or are consistently meeting great men dating, this is NOT the book for you.
But if you’re like the majority of other good women out there who have had a run of men who don’t respect you, don’t care for you or don’t put effort into you, then this book is absolutely for you.

Deep down you know true, fulfilling love is out there for you. But after enough low-value relationships or dates, who's to blame you for doubting it will ever happen for you. The result is you spend nights stuck in your head wondering if there is something wrong with you. You linger about why men can’t or won’t see your value. You look around and see all your friends in relationships while you are perpetually single, even when you have so much going for you.

Mark Rosenfeld has coached thousands of women across the world. His life-changing video lessons have received over 50,000,000 views and he has become Australia’s leading dating and relationship coach for one reason – he gets results. Whether its confidence, clarity, or a genuine, connected soulmate, women the world over look to Mark as a progressive, honest and practical coach who can lead them through the midst of uncertainty and doubt that modern dating can be, to shine through and attract the man they deserve.

In ‘Make Him Yours; Beating The Odds Of Modern Dating’, you’ll discover ...

- The 7 Non-Physical Attraction Triggers that makes him decide if you’re a ‘casual date’ or ‘wife material’.

- The 4-Boyfriend Benefits you’re probably getting used for (hint: It’s not sex)

- The 3-Step process to set standards to make a man respect and WANT to comply

- The Top 10 Places to meet men offline, and the simple OPEN mindset that gets hot guys talking to you anywhere, anytime (if that’s what you want)

- A simple process to gain clarity on all confusing, mixed or inconsistent behaviour from a man

- The 7 Modern Dating Habits you can use in 2020 to swing the dating pendulum in your favour

- Demonstrated, word-for-word examples of how to have specific, difficult conversations

Here what readers and clients had to say:

“Mark’s an incredibly good listener armed with an amazing knowledge of psychology and human dynamics.” Nathalie – New York

“I loved this book and I learned so much from it – not only for the future but I got some closure on the past too. I have read at least 10 other dating books and honestly believe this is the best because it focuses on behaviour and standards and values, etc. rather than tips and tricks.” – Linda, Tennessee

“I was very insecure before and thought I would not attract many men to date me. Soon I had too many prospects to choose from who were consistently investing. I have now been in an 11 month long monogamous relationship that is going strong and is everything I had ever wanted out of a relationship with both life compatibility and chemistry. This relationship grew out of positive experiences in dating and knowing my value and setting effective standards with Mark’s help.” – Jessie, New Jersey

Even if you’re a successful professional woman with no time, a single mum, over 50 or wanting to break a long-term pattern in your love life, this book will work for you.

Will you finally say “enough is enough” and build a new romantic future?

Find out now why thousands of women already have.

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