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The Internal Threat: The Community Behind the Security Checkpoint

by Dr. Stacey L. Tyler


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Have you ever wondered when going through security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), how those pictures of weapons and other objects made it through security undetected? When going through those metal detectors, have you ever questioned if they really work? Or why certain people get patted down and some do not? Is it random? This book is not only going to reveal some shocking truths but makes you think long and hard about our national aviation security and how we are being manipulated to feel secure in a veil of deception. Let us start with the frontline employees as they are misusing their privileges by compromising airport security policies and procedures by funneling contraband, weapons, drugs, and prohibited items through security checkpoints and/or employee access points. Did you know that? September 11 gave the national aviation industry a huge sense of protection by imposing security taxes on the public traveling tickets to support the newly created agencies namely the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The 9/11 terrorist attacks took a major toll on the aviation industry creating multiple mergers and bankruptcies which caused the remaining airlines and airports an ulterior means for survival. Reduce overhead and succumb to contracting out the frontline workforce to independent contractors. This course of action also diminished the rigorous training frontline employees need with strict requirements of policies, processes, and compliance. Not to mention recurrent training to ensure the traveling public safe. In this book, The Internal Threat: The Community Behind the Security Checkpoint, Dr. Stacey Tyler provides a qualitative study on the central research question that focuses on the degree to which miscommunication between TSA, airlines, and airport employees has an impact on the implementation of changes in airport security policies, particularly those regarding prohibited items that pass through security checkpoints. This behavior impacts the effective execution of airport security policies by federal law regarding carryon baggage on commercial aircraft that is specifically known as the Internal Threat.

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