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Empowering Women to Succeed: Legacy

by Randi Goodman,Eni Oszlai,Kandace LaRue,Kim Ledgerwood,Anna Veksler,Consuelo Julien,Eluana Cava,Paul Ciaravella,Shakira Rouse,Lindsay Griffin

ASIN: B0964J3548

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We are back with the sixth volume of the Empowering Women to Succeed series. Thank you for being a loyal reader of the franchise. This time around, the focus is legacies. As you turn through the pages, you’ll read different perspectives on what it means to build and leave behind a legacy.

The authors of this book—nine women and one man—will take you through their journeys from point A to B. From struggles to solutions, 9-5 jobs to entrepreneurship, and feeling lost to gaining confidence—legacies are created in different ways. Some leave a legacy for their family, some for a cause, and others leave a powerful message of strength.
Empowering Women to Succeed: Legacy promises to be a powerful read; enjoy!

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