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Exit Smart: Spotlights on Leading Exit Planning Advisors

by David M. Bastiaans,Gil Bean,Dan Paxton,Gary K. Aldridge,Michael Wildeveld,Craig C. Brigman,Bob Bubser,Austin Collins,Mark W. Boslett,Michael P. Crawford


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Featuring Conversations With:

David M. Bastiaans

Gil Bean

Dan Paxton

Gary K. Aldridge

Michael Wildeveld

Craig C. Brigman

Bob Bubser

Austin Collins

Mark W. Boslett

Michael P. Crawford

If you’re considering exiting your business now or in the near future, you may have questions such as…

  • When is the right time to exit and where do I start?
  • How much is my business worth?
  • To be satisfied, how much money do I need to yield from my business?
  • What do I need to prepare to sell my business successfully and achieve my goals?

...and more.

“EXIT SMART: Spotlights on Leading Exit Planning Advisors” is an interview-style compilation of conversations with the Nation’s leading Exit Planning Advisors. Meet these experts and hear their insights while they shed light on what a proper Exit Plan should consist of. In these interviews, our panel of experts also bust common myths and misconceptions, thus eliminating fears commonly associated with exiting a business today.

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