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The Ugly Truth About Entrepreneurship: Keys To Managing Mental Wellness

by Sacha Walton


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Discover the keys to managing mental wellness as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is full of exciting highs, stressful lows, and anxious moments. The author, Sacha J. Walton, describes the value of prioritizing mental well-being after her business was negatively impacted by COVID-19 and the 2020 pandemic. Sacha's vulnerability and transparency are felt from an entrepreneur's perspective. She embraces the experience of feeling defeated as a business owner to overcoming and relaunching her business, SWI Management Group. Woven within the fabric of this story of resilience is a riveting message that inspires and empowers entrepreneurs to keep pushing forward when navigating through hard times. "Trust yourself, your idea, and the purpose you have in this world" - Sacha Walton

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