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8 Steps to 8 Figures: Transform Your Business Life from Stress And Struggle To Wealth And Freedom

by Chris Roth


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ARE YOU READY for the business of your dreams?

If starting your own company has turned out to be more of a daily grind instead of the vision of freedom you began with, this book is for you. Whether you want to make your company more profitable and less time-consuming, or you're hoping to sell it for the best possible price, you can have the business — and life — you've always dreamed of.

In 8 Steps to 8 Figures,
Chris Roth explains his proven, one-year process for making any business a revenue-generating machine instead of a headache-producing challenge. You'll learn how to rethink your company from the ground up — starting with yourself! You'll get winning strategies for identifying and addressing the people and process issues that have been holding you back. You'll also learn why doing things in the right order matters. And once you're back on track, you'll have the right tools and framework to maintain your momentum of accelerated growth.

8 steps. 8 figures. One year. Are you ready?

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