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Undefeated: Women Sharing Their Secrets of Winning

by Kearn Crockett Cherry,Karen Hills Pruden,Dr. Angela Harden-Mack,Joanna James,Moirar Leveille,Nakita Davis,Sandy Sanders,Nadia Francois,Marissa Bloedoorn,Celeste Payne


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The women in this anthology share some amazing stories of how they lived through challenges in their life, but they still managed to win. They are mothers, doctors, ministers, entrepreneurs, and much more. Some have gone through childhood trauma, obstacles in their career, life changing health issues, unexpected deaths, bullies, and more. These women are relentless, determined, persistent, unbroken, unwavering, and unshakeable community leaders. Sometimes life can give you a “bag of rocks”. It’s how you deal with any situations that allows you to become a champion and remains UNDEFEATED.

The exclusive Author list includes:
Kearn Cherry - Visionary
Dr. Karen Hills-Pruden
Dr. Angela Harden-Mack
Joanna James
Moirar Leveille
Dr. Nakita Davis
Dr. Sandy Sanders
Nadia Francois
Marissa Bloedoorn
Celeste Payne
Brenda Young
Cheryl Thibault
Danita Woodley
Delores Pruitt-Polite
Doris Cutler
Dr. Shirley Boykins Bryant
Dr. Alonia Parks
Dr. Betty Speaks
Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson
Effie Robertson
Sherrell D, Mims
Ina Johnson Myers
Latoya Buchanan
Lee Mariano
Rev. Dr. Liwanda Williams
Marlo Manns
Nicole Beecher
Phyllis Weaver
Rev. Dr. Berlinda A. Hart Love
Shaunda Thompson

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