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Eager for the Master: Spiritual Lessons from Man's Best Friend

by Bart Christian,John Poidevant PhD


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Reign’s story, in Eager for the Master, gives Christians a warm, often humorous vision of devoted love that can help them re-envision their own relationships with the ultimate, ever-loving Master.

Bart Christian had no idea that getting a new dog would lead him to deepen his relationship with God. But that’s exactly what happened when he and his wife Melisa brought Reign, their female German Shepherd, into their lives.

As Reign grew, Bart noticed how her unique personality quirks, such as seeking refuge at her masters’ feet and trusting that they will take excellent care of her, naturally mirrored aspects of having a strong relationship with God. With light-hearted, yet profound insight, along with impactful scriptural references, Bart offers a glimpse into the world of a happy-go-lucky dog who loves nothing more than spending time with her favorite people in the world—her pack, Bart and Melisa.

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