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How to Become a Financial Beast: Harness the Power of Your Practice to Build Personal Wealth & Go Out at the Top of Your Game

by Eric Miller


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Most practice owners are following a traditional financial advice model that drastically underestimates how much they need in income, assets and resources to feel prepared for anything. In addition, the current economic system has been manipulated to extract wealth from practice owners instead of allowing for wealth expansion.

If you own a healthcare practice and are starving for workable information on how to accelerate the process of personal economic independence, then you are ready to become a Financial BEAST™!

The hard-won knowledge in this book will reframe old thought processes on money and rewire how you make financial decisions. You will learn:
* How to manage your business revenue for optimum profits
* How to correctly compensate yourself from the business
* How to know when and how to exit
* How to anticipate and handle obstacles
* How to wisely invest to minimize risk and maximize cash flow

Let’s get you into FINANCIAL BEAST MODE™!

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