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Empowering Women to Succeed: Leaders with Impact

by Randi Goodman


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The collection of stories you’re about to read will offer a variety of insights and inspiration from 16 authors, all of who have a powerful message to share with you, the readers.

Each chapter gives an original take on leadership, empowerment, and what it takes to overcome obstacles in life.

Leaders come in all shapes and forms, and each of us has our own definition of what traits a leader should embody. Take a journey through these stories to discover the different elements of leadership and how each person has the ability to make an impact!

Kim Ledgerwood, Nicole Odom-Hardnett, Annie Hardock, Mary Barnes, Henry Loo, Deanna Anene, Nancy Galer, Randi Goodman, Eni Oszlai, Juliet Dakpo, Cheryl Ivaniski, Judith Tait, Consuelo Julien, Sharna Knowles, Clover Sterling, Hitika Mirg

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