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You Can Be Anything: Choose What Makes You Happy (Ages 7-10)

by Megan Bastreri


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#1 International Bestseller List on Amazon in TEN categories in the United States and Australia. Including Children's Career Books, Children's Jobs & Careers Books, and Children's Inspirational & Personal Growth in the US. Non-Formal Education, Elementary School, Education Reference, Education Problem Solving, Education Aims & Objectives, Children's School & Education Books, and Children's Books Ages 4-8 in AU. She also hit TWELVE Hot New Release categories in the US and AU.

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a simple question, right?

When a second-grade boy is asked this question by his teacher, he thinks he knows the answer. But then he changes his mind--and he changes it again, and again, and again. How can he possibly know what he wants to do when there are so many cool careers to choose from? Join him as he thinks long and hard about what will make him happy, and comes up with a life-changing answer.

With captivating visuals and a story that feeds the imagination, this book is a great way to introduce your child to different careers while teaching them the most important lesson of all…


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