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Stop Dieting Start Thinning: 9 Golden Rules of Weight-Loss for People Who Love to Eat

by David Medansky


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Have you tried and failed at every diet and weight loss program, including the big national brands? Have conventional diets not worked for you? Have they made you miserable, frustrated, or depressed? Are you sick and tired of being "fat?" You are not alone...

It is
not your fault you did not lose weight on that diet. The diet is to blame. You did not fail the diet. The diet failed you. This book provides HOPE for you to finally lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off.

David Medansky is a former lawyer and an international award-winning bestselling author. As a lawyer, David spent his career seeing both sides of the fence. Honest people and dishonest people. And when it comes to the food and weight loss industries, sadly, there are more dishonest people than there are those telling the truth. That's what makes losing weight so difficult.

Stop Dieting Start Thinning takes all the guesswork out for you. This book gives you everything you need to know about healthy and maintainable weight loss. You'll never need to go on a diet again.

The concepts in this book will help you reduce your risk for heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. For less than the cost of a pizza, this book provides you the solutions you have been looking for.

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