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Deploying High: The man, the mission, and the story behind Project Lifesaver International. The leading force in special-focus search-and-rescue for the cognitively impaired

by Nora Firestone,Gene Saunders


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DEPLOYING HIGH conveys the life, leadership and lessons learned by Chief Gene Saunders in his mission to save lives and bring loved ones home through Project Lifesaver International. Using the same SWAT team commander’s strategies and tactics he developed for local law enforcement, Saunders worked through adversity and successfully developed the right solution of technology and feet on the ground. The resulting use of personal locators, drones, tracking devices and expert field staff has allowed Project Lifesaver International to become the leading force in special-focus expedited search and rescue. Over 3,500 cognitively impaired people prone to wandering have been saved. This is their life-saving story.

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