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Starting Simple: Sales Compensation Workbook

by Christopher Goff


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As the highly anticipated follow-up to his book, Starting Simple: Sales Compensation, Christopher Goff offers additional insights into the sales compensation planning process along with hands-on, guided exercises to help you build out your organization’s ideal plan, evaluate existing plans, or revamp outdated plans. Startups, non-profits, and entrepreneurs will gain the knowledge and experience typically reserved for enterprise-level organizations.

Among other things, this workbook will guide you through:
  • The principles of successful sales compensation practices.
  • Practical and easy to understand guidance for hiring your first salesperson.
  • Step by step processes for establishing a sales incentive plan from scratch.
  • Foundational steps for implanting an incentive strategy that will grow along with your company
Once assembled, the components of this workbook combined will provide the framework of your sales compensation plan.

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