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Simple Solutions for Personal Wellness: 7 Ingredients for Building Resiliency

by Bart Christian,John Poidevant


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Is your recipe for life missing a little something?

You’ve tried your best — but you just don’t seem to have the right ingredients for the life you really want ... or maybe the directions don’t seem clear. If you’re not quite sure what to do next,
Bart Christian may have the answer — and it might be simpler than you think.

Simple Solutions for Personal Wellness, Bart explains how just a few changes can bring you success, happiness, and confidence in this chaotic life. The good news is that these ingredients are already in your “wellness pantry” — and they are so easy to understand that you can start using them immediately.

You will discover:
• The power of your life’s story
• The 7 ingredients to lasting resiliency
• The hidden gift you may be overlooking Is your recipe for life missing a little something?

You are on the verge of the life you desire — and very likely, you are only one or two small steps away from obtaining it. It all starts with a dash of courage, a pinch of faith in yourself, and a desire to step out of the crowd. This step-by-step guide will encourage you to take action now and begin the journey toward your best life ever.

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