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A Life Rich with Significance: Transforming Your Wealth to Meaningful Impact

by Sanger Smith


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Your Money Can Do More. And So Can You.

Do you feel like your money isn’t doing enough for you? Are you bored with financial advisors who hyper-focus on your “goals” without getting to know YOU? Do you want to live a life of more meaning and impact than what you’re pursuing now?

If so, you’re ready to transform your relationship with your money.

A Life Rich with Significance gives you the tools and the inspiration to tackle your highest aim.

In today’s world of abundant information and advice, this book will give you the tools to find and pursue your highest calling.

You’ll learn:
  • The real financial advice you need and how to find it.
  • How to uncover your true values and live a life in alignment.
  • The five key decisions you must make to find significance.
  • How to create more impact with your money while saving on taxes.
  • The fears, emotions, and mental traps that have held you back from your purpose.
  • How to conquer the roadblocks along your journey to significance.
  • How to create a compelling family legacy.

A Life Rich with Significance is designed for family business owners, but the lessons apply regardless of how you earn a living.

If you know your family deserves to get more from your money (and from you), grab this book.

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