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Fulfilled: 52 Prescriptions for Healing, Health, and Happiness

by Bernadette Anderson


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This book is your action plan to make the life you dream about be the one that you live! Fulfilled: 52 Prescriptions for Healing, Health, and Happiness with a foreword by the renowned Howard Murad, M.D. is your at-home or on-the-go personal office visit––without the co-pay and expensive bill, and it is available to you 24-7. Each week Dr. Bernadette asks questions, discusses symptoms and issues, then provides a Prescription worksheet to help you achieve healing, health, and happiness. With this engaging wellness guide, she is your doctor on call. Just open the book and she's right there with life-changing tools and insights to help make living the life you were born to live your natural default. You don't have to do it alone. Dr. Bernadette didn't only write Fulfilled, she lived it. Each prescriptive weekly guide is a part of her personal story because every Prescription has been doctor-tested by her! And some of them are a playback of select conversations with patients in pursuit of their best lives. It's a real-life, 100% achievable guide.

Fulfilled: 52 Prescriptions for Healing, Health, and Happiness is often purchased with Fulfilled: the journal.

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