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Less Drama More Mama: How to Go from Frazzled and Disrespected to Calm and Connected

by Pam Howard


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Your family needs less drama and more mama!

If parenting has you feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or powerless, this book is for you.

Drawing from over 20 years of experience working with parents and kids, Pam Howard guides you step-by-step to transform frustrating thoughts and habitual struggle into conscious, loving connections with yourself and your kids.

Each chapter focuses on the only person you can control as a parent—you. Pam's book explores shifts in perspective and reveals parenting truths that will set you free and completely transform the way you view your relationships and life.
Less Drama More Mama will help you:
  • handle your emotions in a mature and healthy way
  • define what it means to be a good mom
  • overcome perfectionism
  • set clear boundaries for yourself
  • make parenting decisions with confidence
Get ready to feel more at peace with yourself and more connected to your kids right away!

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