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Aligned Leadership: Building Relationships, Overcoming Resistance, and Achieving Success

by Jay Colker


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Resistance Is Everywhere!

When leaders and employees are misaligned, work satisfaction diminishes, and business results suffer; this is the reality in many organizations today. Despite leaders’ efforts to hold employees accountable, employees may dig their heels in, resist, and feel helpless to address their frustrations. They may do just enough to stay below the radar, or they may leave the organization altogether. Loss of talent means a loss of key knowledge about the business, which can cause customer relationships to suffer. Leaders and employees can avoid these pitfalls by becoming realigned.

Aligned Leadership will show both leaders and employees how to:

· Gain a deeper comprehension of oneself and the diverse styles of others.
· Build lasting relationships using a range of foundational skills.
· Identify points of resistance.
· Improve confidence in reducing resistance and becoming more aligned.
· Achieve better outcomes.
· Develop more innovative and creative solutions.
· Foster more engagement.

Better approaches
can be learned. Don’t wait another day to gain new skills and be more effective!

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