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Picasso Pumpkin: 21 Curated Art Dates to Grow Creativity in Children

by Ann Mitchell


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Creative? Who, me?

Many people do not consider themselves to be creative. Did you know that creativity is in our DNA? It is one of the reasons we thrive and flourish. You may just need a spark to find yours.

The book is designed to help you tap into your creative self and, in turn, help you encourage creativity in the special child in your life. The variety of the Art Dates are designed so that anyone can find one that is to their and their child’s tastes.

Picasso Pumpkin, Ann E. B. Mitchell outlines five steps you can use to ignite your and your child’s creativity:
  • Spark curiosity by fostering a desire to know more about something that will heighten excitement.
  • Pause, notice, and observe, using your senses to gather information that will deepen your appreciation of an activity.
  • Connect with people and surroundings to help add context to an experience. Help us understand how we are a part of this world.
  • Create using the tools you have been provided.
  • Share what you and your child have created—and what you have learned.

can inspire creativity. Let me show you how.

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