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A Purpose Worth Fighting For: Breakdowns and Breakthroughs from a Career in the NHL

by Billy Huard


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“Having been a teammate of Billy’s, I can say he was the epitome of the NHL’s ‘tough guy.’ His courage and strength to open up about the physical and mental toll that carried over to his personal life makes this a must-read!”
Craig Ludwig
Two-time NHL Stanley Cup Champion

“Billy was the best teammate both on and off the ice. A true team player who loved every one of us as if we were his family. This book walks readers and sports fans through just how hard the enforcer role really was and the toll it took on those guys throwing the punches.”
Jim Dowd
NHL Stanley Cup Champion

“Hard work and perseverance are vital ingredients for everything in life. That is the secret not only to Billy Huard’s rise to play in the best hockey league in the world but also to how he has transitioned after hockey into his current life, where he finds joy in family, friendships, and faith.”
Gary Kunath
Businessman of the Year and keynote speaker

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