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Forces at Work: How to Get What You Want and Keep What You Value

by Missy Shopshire,Bob Goff


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In Forces at Work, Missy Shopshire invites you to rediscover what really matters to you.

Are you stuck in a job or a situation that feels tired or that you no longer love?
Do you ever wonder if this is as good as it’s going to get?
Do you have untapped potential but lack the motivation to pursue it?

As competent and capable leaders, we can easily become misaligned with our true purpose. We want to make a difference, but as commitments and responsibilities pile up, we bury our own dreams and succumb to others’ expectations and the pressure to prove and perform. Defined by our responsibilities, we lose sight of who we really are, and any hope of a return seems to drift further away every year.

Forces at Work, Missy Shopshire invites you to rediscover what really matters to you.

She offers proven methods to
realign your life and your work by harnessing five key elements:


Empowered by new insight, you can reignite your motivation, open the door to exciting new opportunities, and inspire others by doing what you love.

“Here's the truth: When
Missy walks into the room, the impossible suddenly feels possible, problems become opportunities, and far-fetched dreams become tangible. She will move heaven and earth to help you believe in yourself!"
— Steven Potaczek, award-winning producer, songwriter, and educator

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