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JoyPowered Networking: Real-Life Stories and Advice for Getting the Best from Your Connections

by JoDee Curtis,Christine Burrows


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How does networking make you feel?

For many people, networking creates a sense of dread, fear, or stress. But what if it could bring you joy? In
JoyPowered® Networking, power networkers JoDee Curtis and Christine Burrows share their advice, experiences, and lessons they’ve learned about creating meaningful and joyful connections.

JoyPowered® Networking provides inspiration and tactics to help you:
  • Define your networking goals
  • Assess the value of a networking opportunity
  • Give as much (or more!) to the relationship as you receive
  • Assess the appropriate amount of commitment needed
  • Master the art of networking

Are you ready to become a JoyPowered® networker? Find the joy in your network and get the best from your connections today!

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