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The Light Bulb Effect: Finding Peace After Life Has Broken You Into Pieces

by Jennifer Michelle


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Do you feel like the world around you has broken your hope for the future?
Looking to find joy, peace, and happiness?

The Light Bulb Effect help! It’s time to find your peace and experience hope in an exciting new way. Discover strength you didn’t know you have. This book will help you gain insight into your relationship with life and illuminate a more empowered path.
You will learn how to:
  • Understand that your brokenness does not define you.
  • Recognize the beauty and healing in your pieces.
  • Restore and rejuvenate the relationships around you.
  • Avoid the darkness that can seep in unexpectedly.
Don’t let the past keep you from experiencing your full light in the future. Darkness cannot live where there is light. All it takes for the light to get in is just a little hope. Hang on to that hope, read The Light Bulb Effect, and find your new beginning. The light that you seek is waiting for you.

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