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Your Closest Neighbor: The Husband’s Handbook to Cultivating Love and Forgiveness

by James Lusk


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Do you love your spouse but find yourself no longer liking them?

You’re not alone. Christian husbands are expected to demonstrate love toward their wives, even when faced with the challenge of not liking who they have become.

Jim Lusk’s marriage was complicated by the stress of life, work, and raising children. One complication he was not equipped for was his wife’s battle with depression. As the years passed, he underwent a transformation guided by God that helped him navigate his marital challenges. Jim learned it takes forgiveness and displaying Christ-like love to reconcile and strengthen this weakened bond between him and his wife.

Your Closest Neighbor: The Husband’s Handbook to Cultivating Love and Forgiveness, Jim shares key principles inspired by God’s word that will help you:

  • Forgive your spouse to create a peaceful coexistence

  • Give your spouse rest–physically, emotionally, and spiritually

  • Love your neighbor as deeply and as pure as Christ

Learn to like your spouse again with the help of forgiveness, Christ-like love, and spiritual guidance. Let
Your Closest Neighbor lead you back to a thriving marriage!

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