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Thoughts Are Habits Too: Master Your Triggers, Free Yourself from Diet Culture, and Rediscover Joyful Eating

by Amy Lang,Christine Li


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What if there was a clear and simple roadmap you could follow that made lasting weight loss easy and inevitable?

In Thoughts Are Habits Too, former health club owner and nutrition coach, Amy Lang, shares a strategy and plan that works exceptionally well. It's called Joyful Eating, and it's based on something you already have. Habits.

Because the right self-care habits, with some patience and practice, make what's truly important happen automatically.
Thoughts Are Habits Too, Amy Lang walks you through:

  • The essential healthy habits for lasting weight loss,

  • The key to breaking old habits and making new healthy habits stick,

  • The self-care framework — including Joyful Eating practices — for chronic dieters who want to find peace and pleasure around food and feel amazing in their bodies,

  • And more!

Say goodbye to counting calories, tracking points, avoiding carbs, meal plans, taking appetite suppressing drugs, boring cardio...or any of the numerous methods you've tried before and found unsustainable, which left you feeling frustrated and discouraged.

Say hello to feeling empowered and creating the life you want!

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