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The Imaginist: Fairy Tales, Fables and Floklore (Guiding Grace Book 3)

by Sharyn G. Hathcock,Junie Swadron,Marlene Hoskins,Nicoleta Taylor,Norma-Jean Strickland,Patricia Holgate Haney,Sandra Novak,Susan M. Botich,Suzanne Anderson,Travis Sutton,Viviane Chauvet,Mardy Bee,Bryan Dygert,Daria Brill,Jessica Robinson Reissner,Opal M. Venell,Thane McWhorter


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Fairy Tales, Fables, and Folklore are medicine, a healing balm opening our hearts to immense joy, illuminating beauty, and yes, gratitude.

They are our teachers inspiring, enriching, and connecting us to essential, elegant, and ever•evolving parts of our BEing.

Within sacred storytelling, we can listen and hear our life’s journey and also honor the expansive experiences of humanity. Together, we traverse the Tao of Exquisite Living.

We are Imaginists cultivating hope•seeds, Alchemists crafting BE•jeweled Treasures, and Amlieorists curating never•ending sublime stories.

Each chapter is an oracle, a divine quest written from the soul, a classic tale for the ages.

~Deep Bow

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