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My Macaroni Sings: Your Guide to Cultivating Creativity in Children

by Jill Vershum


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EVERYONE is creative!

Yet many grow up believing they are not.
My Macaroni Sings is your guide to empower children for life by intentionally cultivating mindsets and skillsets of creativity now. This inspiring book is a call to action for grandparents, parents, and others who want to ensure our current generation of children reach their full creative potential.

My Macaroni Sings you’ll discover:

  • The five truths about creativity. What creativity is and is not, and what you can do to develop it in yourself and the children in your life.
  • How to cultivate creativity in kids. Seven practices to nurture creativity, including a complete guide to mindsets and skillsets that can be developed over time.
  • A variety of creative experiences. Includes needed supplies, steps for how to integrate innovative practices, and programs tailored for children of ages 4 to 14+.

Let My Macaroni Sings show you how to be a driving force behind a brighter, more creative tomorrow!

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