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Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light

by Tammy René


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There is Hope!

Tammy René is a survivor of extreme childhood abuse. She has found healing from its effects and shares her journey to instill hope in other victims and understanding in communities.
If you are asking how to heal from childhood trauma, or if it's even possible,
Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light can help answer those questions. It is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse. In Miracles in the Dark you will gain insights about:

  • The power in accepting and processing the pain of abuse
  • Insights into healing from spiritual abuse
  • How the kind acts of others –no matter how small– can play a key role in the healing journey
  • The reality that healing from childhood trauma is possible

"Regardless of the pains and heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope, ultimately thriving in a life that is uniquely our own." Tammy René

What people are saying:

"Tammy's life is proof of the promise 'that all things work together for good to them that love God' (Romans 2:28). The tragic and heartbreaking physical and sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to protect her may have bruised her, but it did not break her. This powerful story reminds us that even in times of great anguish, God sends angels to give us hope! A truly touching and beautiful demonstration of the strength of the human spirit!"

  • Jodi Orgill Brown, Resilience Expert, Award-winning Professional Speaker & Author

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