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Suddenly: A Widow’s Story of Unexpected Loss and Healing

by Danell teNyenhuis Black


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Imagine suddenly losing your soulmate of 30 years. What would help you to keep moving forward?

Danell was living her dream life with her husband Patrick and two daughters when he left for a morning bike ride and never returned home. Danell was suddenly a single parent who was faced with learning to move forward on an unfamiliar path. Danell treasured the impact Patrick had on the lives of others and dedicated herself to making that kind of difference in the future.

Suddenly: A Widow’s Story of Unexpected Loss and Healing, readers will discover how Danell:

  • Used writing to record memories while they were fresh, helping to process grief
  • Discovered a new purpose through introspection
  • Strengthened family traditions and created new ones
  • Allowed herself to experience happiness and joy after the grieving process
  • Supported her daughters as they found their own purpose

Danell found strength in the stories of other widows. She aspires to have her story provide hope for others experiencing loss.

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