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Critical Air: A Flight Nurse’s Adventures from Alaska to Nepal

by Gwen Hutchins


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Get ready to wince, shudder, and even laugh. Critical Air: A Flight Nurse’s Adventures from Alaska to Nepalwill transport you to the world of patient care in some of the most challenging regions on earth.

Find out what it took for flight nurse Gwen Hutchins to reach and treat people in remote areas under brutal conditions, such as:

  • Alaska, including the Aleutian Islands, during major storms
  • Zhengzhou, China, during rolling blackouts
  • Nepal, amid post-earthquake rubble
  • Cebu City, Philippines, where circumstances led to Gwen’s detention for ransom

Gwen writes unflinchingly. She uses gripping narratives and raw details — at times injected with a dose of humor, one of the tools in her survival kit.
Critical Air offers a walk down memory lane with Gwen that is not for the faint of heart. Throughout her career as a flight nurse, she boldly went where most of us would never dream of going. You won’t soon forget her incredible story!

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