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The Last Disciple: My Memoirs with Bruce Lee

by Peter Chin


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The Last Disciple is a memoir of Peter Chin’s personal friendship with Bruce Lee, the legendary martial artist and film actor. Chin and Lee’s relationship spans nearly a decade from Hong Kong to Hollywood where Chin is an early student of Lee’s jeet kune do martial arts practice and later becomes a cohort in the movie industry. Instantly connected through Cantonese backgrounds, language, and food, Chin recounts Lee’s insistence on relentless training and physical conditioning to hone his martial craft. Yet it is the time spent after class that Chin describes as most enriching when Lee shares his intellect, humor, and practical advice for living.

For centuries, Chinese martial arts and
gung fu philosophy have influenced young men such as Lee and Chin with the ideals of adaptability, hard work, and perseverance as a means toward the pinnacles of achieving honor, loyalty, morality, and virtue for the greater good.

Now, through Peter Chin’s eyes, we experience Bruce Lee’s generosity, vision, and humanity. This book demonstrates how deep bonds develop, how trusted friendships are fostered, and how brotherly love continues to this day.

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