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Amazing Woman Divine Legacy: A New Era of Feminine Prosperity

by Marsh Engle,Melissa Belongea,Sandra Girouard,Niloo Golshan,Rocio Ortiz Luevano,Becky Norwood,Conni Ponturo,CeCe Sanchez,Gina Shansey-Marder

ASIN: B0CVR36767

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When a woman opens the radiance of her heart,
all doubts drop away and what remains is
the wealth of her divine legacy.

AMAZING WOMAN DIVINE LEGACY gives you access to the most intimate of life-lessons and potent teachings from a collective of influential mentors, coaches, entrepreneurs, and impact makers who offer a transformational exploration into the ways they are liberating a wealth of feminine prosperity. Learn how to excel in business, relationships, self-healing, self-love, and manifesting their own Divine Legacy… overcoming draining self-doubt, confusion, self-judgment, and discouragement…

You will also learn:
  • Ways to create inner harmony… amplifying a balance between the wisdom of heart and a stilling of the mind.
  • Ways to set free the ability to rapidly transcend perceived limitations and diminished self-confidence.
  • Ways to turn up the volume of our intuition… the sacred link to the true expressive wisdom of the heart.
  • Ways to unlock the power to immediately shift into the ability to create and fuel a passion for making a difference in the world.
Marsh Engle is dedicated to evolving the culture of women's success. Her work and multi-decade research promote practices that lead women to find and flourish in an unshakeable sacred confidence, reclaiming their voices, and acting upon their infinite potentials. A multi-published author of the AMAZING WOMAN co-authored book series, award-winning entrepreneur, and founder of THE AMAZING WOMAN NATION, her training programs, podcasts, and events are recognized for their unparalleled capacity to move women to define, communicate, and realize their life purpose.

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