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The Leader You Don't Want to Be: Revised and Expanded Edition

by Mary O'Sullivan


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Updated and revised, with four new chapters!

This new edition drills deeper into challenges of leadership through crises (like the 2020 pandemic), quiet quitting, corporate downsizing (in the most impersonal ways), and other current career topics like imposter syndrome, and the impact on — and solutions for — women and all leaders.

Praise for the Revised and Expanded Edition:

The Leader You Don’t Want to Be is filled with Mary O’Sullivan’s valuable experience and insight ... It’s a terrific book.”
— Mark Ferguson, Associate Director, Employee Relations

“... invaluable experience and research ... an incredible guide toward becoming an exceptional leader. This book ... offers a timeless roadmap for future leaders.”
— Melissa Carvalho Fortune 300 Recruiter / Independent Life Purpose & Career Coach

“... refreshingly honest, with real-life examples from an experienced coach,
a book to lead by.”
— Steve Lentini, Southwestern Consulting, CoachingTrainingSpeaking

“This updated edition of
The Leader You Don’t Want to Be provides valuable information on leadership during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a guidebook offering effective leadership tips and insights based on decades of real-world experience ...”
— Sarah Scala, Sarah Scala Consulting

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