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Cracking the Rich Code Vol 12

by Jim Britt


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This book offers powerful thought-provoking entrepreneurial insights, stories and strategies from a diverse lineup of 20 coauthors from around the world. Chances are this book contains exactly what you need to excel your business into the top 5% in your category worldwide. Created by top peak-performance expert Jim Britt and and 20 empowering entrepreneurs and their stories: Jim Britt, Raeanne Lacatena, Yarona Boster, Raymond Rivera, Alba Contreras Rodriguez, Dr, Susy Francis Best, Adriana Gattermayr, Deborah Kaler, Kim Malloy, Karen Justice, Andrew Franseen, Elke Philips, Katie Augustine, Julie Hruska, Baz Porter, Victor Bullara II, David Radosevich, Suzanne Sullivan, Mary Hunter, Smita Das Jain, James & Rebecca Lockwood

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