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Finding Your Way Without Losing Yourself: The Path of Integrity

by Chuck Chapman


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A Framework For Living A Life of Integrity: Have you ever felt like you are totally lost in life? Are the things you thought would bring you happiness only empty promises unfulfilled? Maybe you’ve lost it all. Maybe you are at your wit’s end.

This powerful journey of redemption will resonate with anyone who’s ever felt totally, utterly, hopelessly screwed. Through Chuck’s recovery journey, he discovers the agonizing pain of his fall landed squarely in his own lap. One day, his sponsor told him, “You’re in so much pain because you are not in integrity.” This life-changing statement sent Chuck on a journey to discover what integrity actually meant. He found it wasn’t one thing but many that, when integrated together, created a compass he could follow back to sanity.

Crafted with raw emotion, a hint of snark, and deeply rooted in real-life experience, this book unveils the transformative power of living in alignment with sixteen virtues: courage, assertiveness, tenacity, loyalty, wisdom, honesty, humility, generosity, temperance, excellence, patience, self-mastery, justice, empathy, grace, and forgiveness. Each chapter provides insights, tales, and tangible actions to integrate these virtues into your life; guiding the reader to find their way back to love through the winding road of integrity.

At its core is the profound message that integrity is the compass that always points us toward love—both for ourselves and for those around us.

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