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Victory 4 Youth!: 7 Keys to Succeeding Against the Odds

by Otis Williams,Les Brown


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What does it mean to succeed against the odds? It means you find a way to win when the deck is stacked against you!

With all the challenges facing you today: alcohol, drugs, gang violence, gender identity, peer pressure, pregnancy, sex, social media, suicide, and so many other stumbling blocks, how can you win?

What if you had a step-by-step guide to help you close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be? VICTORY 4 Youth! is your ultimate success guide. It gives you the tools to overcome obstacles, reach goals, and fulfill your dreams.

By reading and doing the exercises in this book you will:

V - Learn how to create a vision for your future.

I - Understand the importance of living a life of integrity.

C - Develop the courage to stand up for what you know is right.

T - Start thinking critically.

O - Create your opportunities.

R - Stop making excuses and start accepting responsibility.

Y - Say to yourself, "Yes, I can-live my dream!"

"Being a high school student, I see firsthand young people who want to be successful but struggle to find motivation or don't know where to begin. VICTORY 4 Youth! is just that starting point for the young person who is determined to succeed and willing to commit to doing whatever it takes to reach positive goals."

~Daniel Miree, Jr., Senior
Winton Woods High School

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